
世界博彩公司十大排名诊所, we realize that the rel信息ships we forge with our supplier partners are key to our team’s agility, 正直,有能力满足病人的需求. We hope the inform信息 contained within this website provides you with the inform信息 you need as a supplier partner or potential partner with The Guthrie Clinic. 


The 采购 Department shall provide a centralized service to all companies/departments of The Guthrie Clinic. 我们的主要职能是采购必要的用品, 材料和设备,以保持高质量的病人护理. The Department shall be operated under the supervision of the 采购 Manager who shall be responsible to the Vice President, Procurement-Supply链. 

Purchase orders (PO’s) are the only approved methods Guthrie uses for procuring goods and services. PO numbers must appear on all shipments, packing lists and invoices. Any shipment that does not bear an authorized purchase order number may be returned at the shipper's expense. 

The Guthrie Clinic wants our suppliers to be paid in a timely manner for the excellent work they do in supplying The Guthrie Clinic with the important goods and services we require. A “无订单不付款” policy allows The Guthrie Clinic closer control over spend before it is committed, ensures the spend is appropriately approved and ensures that only the right suppliers and their products are used. Matching invoices to POs and confirming the receipt of goods and services provides a more robust audit trail and also helps in mitigating the potential risk of fraud. The Guthrie Clinic will strictly enforce this policy and will return invoices (unpaid) to suppliers that do not display a valid Purchase Order Number.



The Guthrie Clinic expects all of its vendors to follow the same 行为准则 that Guthrie employees follow.


The Guthrie Clinic Vendor Credentialing Program is designed to streamline the collection and management of key inform信息 regarding regulatory and compliance status, 经营信息, as well as provide our valued vendors with inform信息 regarding the procurement policies and processes for transacting business with The Guthrie Clinic.
All vendors interested in conducting business with The Guthrie Clinic must participate in a vendor certific信息 process. The Guthrie Clinic is utilizing Green Security, LLC as its credentialing service provider. The company and each company representative will be required to provide contact inform信息 and upload document信息 as specifically required to become a registered “vendor” or registered “vendor representative”.

如果您对您的绿色安全有疑问, 公司成员, 请联络绿安, 通过电子邮件或电话联系.  呼叫 (866) 750-3373 或电子邮件 support@greensecurityllc.com.  Please remember to always sign in and out when visiting any Guthrie facility.  我们感谢您对这一重要倡议的立即关注.  


The Guthrie Clinic and its employees constantly strive to maintain proper balance between providing cost-effective patient care and utilizing new, 医疗保健领域的新兴医疗技术. All new products and minor equipment will be reviewed before purchase to ensure that:

  • 该设备已被监管机构批准用于其预期用途.
  • The device(s) requested do not conflict with existing contracts or agreements.
  • Due diligence is performed to secure the product at the lowest cost while ensuring availability.
  • The appropriate financial tests and coding are employed when applicable.
  • The supplier has not been cited for Medicare or Medicaid fraud and abuse or by the Federal Drug Administr信息 (FDA) for failure to follow good manufacturing practices (GMP).

Clinical Quality Value Analysis (CQVA) provides a framework and structure for the introduction, 评价, 产品的标准化和利用, 新技术, 以及世界博彩公司十大排名诊所的外包支持服务.

All new products must go through the value analysis process for contract and pricing analysis prior to discussion with end users or introduction of the product to The Guthrie Clinic. Products will be considered for 评价 only if analysis shows a reduction in overall cost, 改善患者预后或优化利用率. This is a new policy and will be the only method of approving products at our facilities.

如果产品被批准进行评估, 将通知供应商代表, and an adequate amount of product must be supplied to conduct the 评价. 


这是良好的采购惯例, The Guthrie Clinic periodically evaluates all major suppliers on the basis of actual performance as compared to promised delivery dates, 能够满足紧急需求, 质量, 并遵守采购订单价格. Subsequent buying decisions are strongly in流感enced by this 评价. The Guthrie Clinic also has an active cost reduction and savings program. 因此, 提供并维持低价的能力, 结合一贯的质量和服务, 在选择供应商时是否很重要.


  1. 现场表现质量.
  2. 遵守组织政策.
  3. 客服代表的素质.
  4. 对紧急情况的反应能力.
  5. 产品支持.
  6. 问题解决(一般).
  7. 订单的准确性.
  8. 选择精度.
  9. 缺货(数量和回应).
  10. 按时交付率.
  11. 交货质量(包装、托盘配置等.).
  12. 发票的准确性.
  13. 发票差异解决.
  14. 创造力.
  15. 合作的态度.
  16. 无形资产.